Today is the beginning of WEEK 3 of Linsey and Travis's Chicken Operation. Soon to be known as Linsey's Chicken Operation. I don't think Travis will love our girls as much as I do once they grow up and their poop gets bigger. Although I must say, he has been a good chicken dad so far. Last night he read message boards on what to do about baby chick constipation (Ginger has issues). Do NOT tell him I told you! Ooops, too late.
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Dottie screaming |
The girls are getting so big so fast I want to keep you updated weekly. Their pin feathers are starting to come out. For those of you who don't know, pin feathers are the feathers behind their neck that stick up like pins. They will eventually spread out into beautiful feathers. Please take note of the Easter colors in the background of this photo shoot. I know it's not Easter yet, but my creative juices are not flowing at the moment so this is all I've got. Week 4 may be more entertaining.
All the girls seem to get along right now. I hope they don't turn on each other as they grow up. I would probably cry. Each of them start screaming when they are away from each other for too long.
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Chill Dottie |
Dottie was extremely upset that I took her away from her friends. She screamed so loud you would have thought I was taking her to the butcher. After I put her in my hand, she was cool. Dottie is normally chill. She likes to hang, roost, eat, drink, and of course, poop.
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"take my picture" |
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"don't look at me" |
Ginger, Travis' fav, has really pretty wings. Click on the photos and I think they get bigger. Recently her tail feathers popped out. She likes to shake her tail feather and I wish I could catch her long enough to video her shakin it. Ginger is one of the smallest and is stuuuuborn. She won't let me change the food or water without jumping all the way up my arm. She is also a fat hog. She will eat and eat and eat, but not drink any water. Hence the constipation issue mentioned above. Last night I forced her to drink water with a syringe. Take THAT Ginger.
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Curious Little Foot |
I was only able to take one picture of Little Foot because she wouldn't sit still. She's going to be a black and white, kinda striped, chicken. You can see the beginning of her stripes. She is the baby of the group and barely has any tail feathers. She and Dottie both like to roost/chill still on my fingers. (If you can't tell, I am determined to have tame chickens so we hang out every day.)
Miss Bunny. The largest chick with the biggest wings and a crazy eye. I'm pretty sure she's nuts. She's all over the place all the time. She jumps all over me and scratches the poo out of my arms. I think she may need A.D.D. medication. She reminds me of Leigh Anne (my step mom), distracted. "OH LOOK BUTTERFLY!" She also would only let me take her picture after I put her on my arm, to scratch it. The second picture is her charging at me. Crazy bird.
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The crazy eye |
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"what?! where?! who?!" |
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"don't hate" |
Last, but not least we have Scramble. Scramble, the cute, loving, yellow chickie. She is big like Miss Bunny, but MUCH more calm. She likes to be really close to my face. She quietly squat waddles a little closer and a little closer to me so I will stroke her wings. Her pictures didn't turn out very well because I was trying to hurry to return her to her wolfpack of hens before the screams got louder. And I put a yellow chicken on yellow paper. IDIOT! Anyway, she's starting to turn tan in color and get her pin feathers. Scramble is also really smart. I could tell she's been scheming up some plan and today she flew to the outside rim of her container and perched there. All the other chickens were jealous that she almost got away. She was just excited to see me and flew up as soon as she saw my face and heard my voice. Needless to say, the chickens were moved to the garage. I just can't risk finding poop on the floor if they get out!
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