I swear, you give them shelter, food, love and care and what do they do? Ignore you, won't let you love on them or answer when you call their name. Typical, ungrateful teenagers... THAT'S what these chickens have become. Before their teenage years, they would jump up on my arms and just hang out, but now I have to chase them around and squeeze their wings down tight so they won't fly away when I try and hold them. I feel rejected. All they want from me is food. Well I want some EGGS!!
The girls, ungrateful they may be, are still very pretty chickens and are starting to put on the lbs. They are 14 weeks old so we are officially on the count down for eggs.

According to backyardchickens.com, the world's most reliable source for chicken raising information, these babies could start laying eggs anywhere from 18 weeks to 23 weeks. I hope they all actually lay eggs. Based on what I've read, they should, but these ungrateful teenagers may end up showing me who is boss. I am pretty sure our little barred rock, (black and white chicken) will start laying first. She seems to be the most mature. Her little wattle is really coming in, she poses a lot and seems to realize her beauty. Surely such a vain bird would want to show off her egg laying skills. What I don't know is how I am supposed to figure out who laid what. Some people say you have to catch them in the act. Well, that's embarrassing isn't it? It's like walking in on someone pooping! Well see how it goes, I'm sure there will be some sort of egg laying conspiracy going on around here.