The Girls

The Girls

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hypnotizing Chickens

What?  You heard me.  You didn't know you could hypnotize a chicken?  This is my new stupid human trick.  I should go on David Letterman.  Someone sign me up!  Fine, I'll tell you the secret.  There are several different ways to hypnotize a chicken:

  1. The Finger Twirl - Lay the chicken on its back and twirl your finger around its nose. (My chickens are too smart for this.)
  2. The Finger Strike - Lay the chicken on its side or back, put its head to the ground and draw a line in the dirt from the tip of their nose straight out. (Probably your best bet)
  3. Go to Sleep - Flip them on their back and see if they relax and go into a trance (If you can get them to stop squirming)
  4. Rock-A-Bye Baby - Hold the chicken right side up, place its head under its wing and rock it back and forth about 20 times. (This is according to an 8 year old boy who I watched do this on youtube - it looked cruel so I didn't try it.)
  5. The Chin Stroke - Lay the chicken on its side and stroke its chin until it stops moving.  (This takes a little longer.)
  6. Pet it to Sleep - Lay the chicken on its side, hold its head to the ground and pet it to sleep. (This does not work, I tried it)

I performed the Finger Strike on Littlefoot.  She laid there for about 10 seconds and acted confused... like "what am I doing here?" I would put the video up, but Blogspot won't let me.   Ever since the attempted hypnosis she's been acting like a crazed chicken.  She runs back and forth, side to side, over chickens, under chickens, inside the coop, outside the coop.  I think I have caused this bird some serious mental distress.  I am distraught about it.  On the other hand, I tried the Chin Stroke on Scramble and she seems to be doing just fine.  She also seemed to wonder what the heck I was doing, but it hasn't seemed to have affected her.   I will let you know if Littlefoot calms down.  So much for my dreams of her being a show chicken at the fair.  No one wants a crazy hen. 

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