Interesting week on the chicken farm. Travis got locked in the chicken coop. I have to say it.... "Travis, I told you so." I JUST asked him if he would fix the coop so we could get out from the inside because I was afraid I would get locked in. The girls' water turned over during the day and apparently they were getting dehydrated. Travis, being the good chicken father he is, was trying to hurry to fill up the water so the girls wouldn't pass out when "WHAM" the wind blew the coop door shut. Ooops. At least the girls had water, but Travis had other problems. Equipped with absolutely nothing Travis searched the coop... "surely there is something in here I can use to get out" he thought. After climbing through the tiny door the chickens walk through to get inside the coop to sleep, and crawling around inside the tight space he realized "oh, that door is locked too." He wiggled his skinny butt back out of the tiny door into the "run" and searched for, in his words, "MacGyver tools" to maneuver his way out. He tried to use a piece of rope poke through the wire, to swing around to the latch, to catch the hitch to open the coop. That didn't work. (Shocker.) He thought about yelling out to the neighbor across the street, but that was too embarrassing. He the found what he describes as a "chicken toy" (the chickens don't have toys by the way, it's this wire contraption that I put lettuce in for the girls to eat out of) and ripped it apart piece by piece, twisting each wire piece together end on end to push through the chicken wire on the door, to catch on the latch, to raise it and lead him to freedom. It actually worked. The girls were happy to get him out of their space and Travis delightfully sent me a text that stated, "Got locked in the coop, MacGuyvered my way out." Oh Travis, I would happily be locked up with you.
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