The Girls

The Girls

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chickens Daily

Just in case this whole attorney gig doesn't work out for me I've got a Plan B.  I can totally start teaching classes about how to raise chickens and teach them tricks.   Yes people, you can teach an old chicken new tricks.  I've recently discovered a lady in Portland, Oregon who teaches a class called "Clicken Chickens" and another one in Washington called "Poultry in Motion." Both teach people like me how to get their chickens to perform.  Doesn't this sound exciting?  I could be a circus act!  "Linsey Loo and her Chickens Too!"  Now I just have to talk Travis into letting me travel to Oregon to take a class on chickens. 

Other than my new found career, there isn't much excitement at the Williams' farm these days except that Littlefoot has lost her mind and Ginger's butt feathers are still missing. Travis thinks that ever since I tried to hypnotize Littlefoot she's been acting crazy.  She jumped on my head the other day.  She flew up and attacked the wire on the side of the coop while I was giving them a snack and she runs back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth. Poor thing...she's still pretty though.  I've never been able to explain where Ginger's butt feathers went.  It's a mystery. 

The girls are 27 weeks old.  Here are some updated photos:


Scramble is his favorite

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